The National Field Archery Association's Podcast  

The National Field Archery Association's Podcast

Author: Rod White: NFAA Bowhunting Coordinator, Olympic Gold Medalist, and Professional Archer

Olympic Archery Gold Medalist, Professional Bowhunter, and NFAA Bowhunting Coordinator, Rod White, interviews competitors, members, and bowhunters about the target archery and bowhunting lifestyle. Topics include indoor archery, outdoor target archery, field archery, 3D archery, the archery lifestyle, bowhunting, bowfishing, National Field Archery Association (NFAA) events and tournaments and much more!
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Language: en

Genres: Sports, Wilderness

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Bowfishing 101, with Harvey Hood and John Blazys of Hood Outdoors, South Haven, MI
Tuesday, 11 June, 2019

in this Episode, Rod recaps a fun night of bowfishing in Southwest Michigan with two new friends, Harvey Hood and John Blazys.  They discuss everything from the bows to the boat they were using and how to get started in bowfishing.  Bowfishing is not an expensive sport and doesn't require a boat.  It can be done in just about any state and almost anytime of the year when the water is open and clear!


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