News From A Broad!  

News From A Broad!

Author: Tammy Pescatelli

Based on #Tammy Pescatelli's column, #NewsFromABroad in the #WeeklyWorldNews. Take a #ShallowDive with Tammy and her cohosts. Then #FrighteninglyFunny features hilarious comedian's and their paranormal encounters, #FindingtheFunny closes out the show with proof that no matter what happens, some comedian, somewhere has already told a joke about it. Tammy's tune by #TonyBabino
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Language: en

Genres: Fiction, Science Fiction

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News From A Broad! Episode 1
Episode 2
Tuesday, 20 October, 2020

#CollinChamberlin and #RayZawodni discuss #TammyPescatelli 's #WeeklyWorldNews column on a Ghost Pirate Divorce. #AprilMacie. discusses her #FrighteninglyFunny encounter and #JohnCapurolo gives us his R rated version of a ghost story in the #FindingThe Funny segment. #Ghosts #supernatural #Funny #Comedy #comedians #weeklyworldnews #tammypescatelli #collinchamberlin #rayzawadni #aprilmacie #johncapurolo #pirates #divorce #GhostStories #NewsFromABroad #NFAB #paranormal


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