What No One Wants to Hear  

What No One Wants to Hear

Author: Kyle Joseph Wengryn

In 1960 Manfred Clynes first used the term cyborg in his article Cyborgs and Space. Today, people are willingly altering their bodies to make cyborgs a reality. In this episode, Host Bernardo Pinto will explore the definition of a cyborg, analyze modern cyborgs, and interview an engineer at the Georgia Insitute of Technology to see how he responds to the topic as well. We will take a look at modern cyborgs like Neil Harbisson who can hear color and Moon Ribas who can feel seismic activity. Then, Anchor Kyle Wengryn will take us through the history of cyborgs and compare them to modern te Cover art photo provided by Nahil Naseer on Unsplash:
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Language: en

Genres: Science

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INTRODUCTION- What No One Wants to Hear
Sunday, 21 April, 2019

This is the first take for the introduction to "What No One Wants to Heart"


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