Ara Hkoi Aotearoa  

Ara Hkoi Aotearoa

Author: Herenga Nuku Aotearoa

Hearing from people who create, care for and treasure tracks and trails in Aotearoa
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Language: en-nz

Genres: Sports, Wilderness

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Economist Benje Patterson: bike tourism in plantation forests
Thursday, 1 June, 2023

Each year thousands of NZers and tourists explore our outdoors on bike. The average mountain bike tourist spends 3 or 4 days on their holiday. And many of them explore our plantation forests. I talked to independent economist Benje Patterson. Patterson has published a report showing that tourists who biked through New Zealand’s production forests in 2022 spent nearly $300 million on things like food, accommodation, and entertainment. Benje Patterson's report: Economic impacts of mountain biking in production forests in New Zealand Music: Verão by Shane Ivers Photo of Craters Bike Park by Miles Holden


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