Black Hat Briefings, Las Vegas 2006 [Video] Presentations from the security conference  

Black Hat Briefings, Las Vegas 2006 [Video] Presentations from the security conference

Black Hat Briefings, Las Vegas 2006 [Video] Presentations from the security conference

Author: Jeff Moss

Past speeches and talks from the Black Hat Briefings computer security conferences. The Black Hat Briefings USA 2006 was held August 2-3 in Las Vegas at Caesars Palace. Two days, fourteen tracks, over 85 presentations. Dan Larkin of the FBI was the keynote speaker. Celebrating our tenth year anniversary. A post convention wrap up can be found at Black Hat Briefings bring together a unique mix in security: the best minds from government agencies and global corporations with the underground's most respected hackers. These forums take place regularly in Las Vegas, Washington D.C., Amsterdam, and Tokyo If you want to get a better idea of the presentation materials go to and download them. Put up the pdfs in one window while watching the talks in the other. Almost as good as being there!;br Video, audio and supporting materials from past conferences will be posted here, starting with the newest and working our way back to the oldest with new content added as available! Past speeches and talks from Black Hat in an iPod friendly .mp3 audio and .mp4 h.264 192k video format
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Dan Larkin: Keynote: Fighting Organized Cyber Crime - War Stories and Trends
Sunday, 4 June, 2006

As one of the pioneers of partnerships for the FBI, Dan Larkin of the FBI’s Cyber Division will outline how the FBI has taken this concept from rhetoric to reality over the past 5 years. This presentation will explore how the mantra "make it personal" has aided the FBI in forging exceptional alliances with key stake holders from industry, academia and law enforcement both domestically and abroad. This presentation will also outline how such collaborations have helped to proactively advance the fight against an increasingly international and organized, cyber crime threat. Dan Larkin became unit chief of the Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3), which is a join initiative between the FBI and the National White Collar Crime Center (NW3C) in January 2003. Before that he was a supervisory special agent (SSA) in the White Collar Crime area for ten years. In that capacity he supervised and coordinated numerous joint agency initiatives on both regional and national levels involving corruption and fraud associated with a variety of federal, state, and local agencies. SSA Larkin acted as the congressional investigative team leader in the "Operation Illwind" Pentagon scandal corruption investigation. The combined effort of this team led to record settlements and convictions involving numerous top defense contractors, as well as public officials. Prior to his current assignment UC Larkin developed and supervised the High Tech Crimes Task Force in Western Pennsylvania, one of the first such initiatives in the United States. UC Larkin also developed a national initiative known as the National Cyber Forensics and Training Alliance (NCFTA) This progressive initiative maximizes overlapping public/private sector resources, in identifying and proactively targeting escalating cyber-crime perpetrators both domestically and abroad. This project also serves to attract a perpetual stream of key Subject Matter Experts (SME's) from industry, government and academia, creating a dynamic cyber-nerve-center, for tactical and proactive response, forensics and vulnerability analysis, and the development of advanced training. UC Larkin also co-authored the FBI’s re-organization plan in 2002 which established Cyber Crime as a top priority, and underscored the need for additional Public/Private Alliances in combating priority cyber crimes word-wide."


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