Lee Draws StuffAuthor: Lee Sargent
Home of the Lee Draws Stuff Weekly Creative Prompt Also, the official inane musings of Lee Sargent from Lee Draws Stuff. I'm just a guy who loves to scribble and encourage others to express themselves creatively as well. Language: en Genres: Arts, Visual Arts Contact email: Get it Feed URL: Get it iTunes ID: Get it |
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Creative Prompt 7 - The book that doesn't exist yet (or maybe never will)
Episode 7
Tuesday, 16 July, 2019
So the creative prompts podcast is back and now available on Apple Podcasts! I've brought along a good friend to the creative prompts endeavor and a fellow podcaster Colin from Still Under Wraps who is going to be cohosting the weekly show with me. I've also got a lead for an extra regular guest but I'm still sorting details on that. This podcast is a supplement to the email newsletter - expanding on some themes and encouragement for the prompt. If you'd like to subscribe to get the prompts in your inbox subscribe at https://leedrawsstuff.com/creative-prompts/ Also if you are sharing on social media we've been tossing around the hashtag #creativelee If you'd like to support the podcast and the creative prompts: Most importantly! Tell all your friends even the non-creative ones, you never know they might surprise you Sign up for the newsletter (link above) Become a backer on Patreon Follow me on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram LOL phew and after all that you can always just check out the website https://leedrawsstuff.com