Rony's Podcast  

Rony's Podcast

Author: Rony's Podcast

I will discuss the problems what the youth of lndia are generally facing.l will try to clear the confusions.l may have a little experience but l won't hesitate to share with the youth of my country.
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Language: en

Genres: Health & Fitness, Mental Health

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Episode 1
Wednesday, 24 June, 2020

In this episode l have tried to discuss about depression,why we face depression,how we can empower our mind to fight with it.l have tried to remind people the hidden capability of our mind.This is just about how to fight and defeat depression.ltbis my own experience and may vary for some one else.l defeated it in a practical way and l want to share it with all.Today this stands as a big problem infront of the youth.As a 27 year boy l also faced it due to several reasons but l won.l want everyone to win and free from depression. Email


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