Pick Up the Pace With Toni & Ashley  

Pick Up the Pace With Toni & Ashley

Author: Pick Up the Pace with Toni & Ashley

Podcast by Pick Up the Pace with Toni & Ashley
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Pick Up The Pace With Toni & Ashley - Episode 4 - Authenticity
Wednesday, 15 February, 2017

Who knows pushing boundaries better than Black Girls RUN! co-founders Toni Carey & Ashley Hicks-Rocha? They transformed the running industry and the state of black women’s health, now they’re sharing what they’ve learned to help all women take back their health and their lives in a candid (and comical) bi-weekly podcast called Pick Up the Pace. This engaging, relatable (and sometimes unpredictable) podcast will help women from all walks transform their lives from the inside out featuring weekly guests that will have everyone picking up the pace….or maybe even slowing it down. In this episode, Toni & Ashley talk about Toni's recent blog post unpacking the quote, "To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment." Check out for show notes and additional content.


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