Uber-Jugding Breakfast Podcast  

Uber-Jugding Breakfast Podcast

Don't hate us because we hate others!

Author: Tatiana & Chelsea

A joint effort between and, we bring you our weekly reactions to the joys and horrors of each new "Gossip Girl" episode. If you don't love Nate/Serena or Chuck/Blair, then maybe you'll still love our razor-sharp wit?
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Language: en-us

Genres: TV & Film

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Gossip Girl 6.10 Podcast - All Good And/Or Awful Things Must Come To An End
Thursday, 20 December, 2012

Well, well, well. The end's not near, it's here. Thank you guys for six long years of TV viewing and dissecting, of rejoicing and raging alike. I love all you guys and, because of that, I decided to edit this podcast as minimally as possible and leave you with a movie-length farewell to Gossip Girl. Whether you loved or hated the ending, whether you enjoyed or despised the ride, I think we can all agree that gathering together to discuss both was the best part. We'll probably see you around, and you can still tweet us or send comment here or send us asks on our Tumblr, and we will reply. But for now, it does feel like a bittersweet goodbye, and so we are all a little teary-eyed over it. Now, the first bit of the podcast is just us being ourselves before we begin, and I decided to keep it in just so you guys can get a peek behind the curtain. LOL, because our podcast is so full of bells and whistles, I know. So if you want to get straight to the recap and discussion, just skip to 12:45. I really hope you all can enjoy our last recorded discussion on our love for Blair, Chuck, Nate and Serena. And, of course, a final appearance from special Gossip Dan - Michael Collado. XOXO, Tatiana


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