Mage The Hero Described  

Mage The Hero Described

Author: Kevin B Polk

A podcast about Matt Wagner's Mage including The Hero Discovered, The Hero Defined, and The Hero Denied. Currently re-reading Mage: The Hero Discovered and discussing all things Mage related.
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Language: en

Genres: Arts, Visual Arts

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22 | #2 Hero Discovered Re-read - Matt Wagner's Mage
Episode 22
Tuesday, 22 February, 2022

Welcome to the Mage, The Hero Described vodcast/podcast. This episode the show re-reads Issue #2 of Matt Wagner's Mage, The Hero Discovered.  Eli Schwab, co-host of the Grendel podcast The Devil in Detail, joins me as we follow the unfolding adventure of Kevin Matchstick, as the world he knows continues to unravel...and become significantly more dangerous.  A side note about this episode - with the changed format, recording a podcast and vodcast at the same time, this episode may be better viewed on YouTube since so much involves reviewing the artwork. Getting used to the new format, so future episodes will be kept tighter and shorter. You can find the companion video on YouTube at: You can find the main podcast page at: The podcast is also available at: You can find The Hero Described on Instagram at: and on Facebook at: Thanks to Eli for joining the show. You can find him at... Eli Schwab @CosmicLion on Instagram The Devil in Detail podcast is at: and on YouTube at: As always, thanks to Matt Wagner who can be found on Instagram at: @MattWagnerComics and on Facebook at:


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