10 Minute Acting Tips  

10 Minute Acting Tips

Author: Clive Dancey

TO ALL OUT THERE EXPERIENCING THE CORONA VIRUS OUTBREAK - PLEASE STAY WELL - BE AWARE OF YOUR BODY - SELF ISOLATE IF YOU FEEL ILL - BE AWARE OF EVERYONE AROUND YOU - DRINK LOTS OF WATER - STAY HEALTHY AND STAY POSITIVE Bitesize chunks of tips and tricks for actors and presenters covering subjects such as. ' dealing with nerves ' , ' audition tips ' , ' stage presence ' , ' character creation ' and so much more
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Language: en

Genres: Arts, Performing Arts

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10 minute acting tips - ' How far will you go ? '
Episode 13
Saturday, 14 March, 2020

TO ALL OUT THERE EXPERIENCING THE CORONA VIRUS OUTBREAK - PLEASE STAY WELL - BE AWARE OF YOUR BODY - SELF ISOLATE IF YOU FEEL ILL -  BE AWARE OF EVERYONE AROUND YOU - DRINK LOTS OF WATER - STAY HEALTHY AND STAY POSITIVE In the next 10 minutes..or so...I will give you a load of tips and tricks to help in your acting , presenting and modelling. My book - 'ITS ALL IN THE LINES' - acting made simple  - available at paperback or kindle Email me at and add ' Skype ' in the subject line for personal coaching FREE INTRODUCTORY OFFER - FIRST COACHING SESSION FREE Today I talk about  ' how far will you go  ? " after watching a great film called Dallas Buyers Club the commitment that the actors show towards the part forces us to challenge ourselves  ' how far would we go for a part ? ' 


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