

Author: Kugelblitz

A talk show where I ask a guest stupid questions that I would have been too embarassed to ask without the show as an excuse. Topics include Fusion Energy, Mycology, Neuroscience and Quantitative Biology. Theme music by St. Danger ( Art by Arya Natarajan.
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Language: en-us

Genres: Science

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Algebraic Geometry with Shubham Sinha
Monday, 16 September, 2024

Today we dive into the fascinating world of Algebraic Geometry with Shubham Sinha. Shubham has been shaping advanced theoretical tools that find application in both pure mathematics and physics. Whether you're a seasoned mathematician or simply curious about the abstract beauty of algebraic geometry, this conversation will illuminate the rich interplay between combinatorics, geometry, and physics. This episode was recorded at KSDT Radio on July 2nd, 2019. Music by St. Danger.


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