Rewind Again  

Rewind Again

Pop culture and fandom podcast hosted by Sara Gla

Author: Rewind Again

Pop culture and fandom podcast hosted by Sara Glass. Nerd out over your favorite franchises, and arguing about characters and ships. Every episode I join a fellow fan to explore why is a fandom hobby that enriches our lives and entertainment. Movies, television, books, media, and geek culture.
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Language: en

Genres: TV & Film

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Cassandra Clare & Fanfic Going Pro
Saturday, 12 March, 2016

Lexie Dunne, professional author of the novel series "Superheroes Anonymous" and longtime fandom survivor, joins me for an in depth discussion of fanfiction writers who jump to the big leagues of real world publishing. Top of the episode is the copyright infringement lawsuit against Cassie Claire, aka Cassadra Clare, author of the "Shadowhunters" novels. What's the difference between her story and that of "Fifty Shades of Grey" author E. L. James? Then we hit pay-for-content websites like Patreon and Amazon Worlds. Lastly back to Cassie Claire again with Listener Mail! Opening music by, please rate and review us if you like the show!


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