Reliability Gang Podcast  

Reliability Gang Podcast

Author: Will Bower & Will Crane

Welcome the #Reliabilitygang Podcast! I would like to welcome you all to my reliability journey. I am passionate about reliability and I want to share as much as I can with everyone with my experiences. Stories are powerful and my aim of this outlet is to gather as many insights and experiences and share them with the world. Thanks for joining the #reliabilitygang.
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Language: en-gb

Genres: Physics, Science

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Monday, 26 February, 2024

Discover the transformative power of precision in motor repair and and the electromechanical industry as we journey through the launch of our new repair centre and take a revealing look at our advanced diagnostic techniques. Our visit to France offers a riveting sneak peek at Acoems innovative vibration analysis tools that promise to be game-changers in maintenance strategies. As we unpack the nuances of electrical equipment and the importance of experience in solving complex problems, we bring you tales from the front lines of reliability, straight from the engineers and technicians who live it daily.Delve into the heart of motor maintenance with us, where we unveil the role of advanced testing equipment such as the Megger ADX tester in advanced winding testing. From the importance of routine checks to the intricacies of maintaining electrical integrity, we dissect the critical balance between mechanical precision and electrical know-how. With insights into the nitty-gritty details that make a motor tick, we celebrate the finesse required to keep critical machinery at peak performance, ensuring that our clients experience fewer interruptions and smoother operations.Join our collaborative discourse on precision maintenance and its indelible impact on asset reliability. Learn how a culture of proactive steps and a commitment to excellence can transform the very fabric of repair shop standards. As we discuss the ripple effects of precision work, we underscore the collective efforts that go into advancing our industry, striving not just to be the largest, but the most reliable and top-notch in service quality. With a steadfast ethos of 'detect, solve, and improve', we're paving the way for a future where reliability isn't just an expectation—it's a guarantee.Support the show


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