Wrestling: Retold and Relived with Richie Mars  

Wrestling: Retold and Relived with Richie Mars

Author: Richie Mars

Richie Mars has watched the good, the bad and the wildness of professional wrestling; and now he wants to talk about it! Join Richie and his friends as they dive into storylines, title reigns and rivalries across WWE, AEW and Impact Wrestling that defined their fandom!
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Language: en

Genres: Sports, Wrestling

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The Main Event Mafia: TNA's Greatest Faction or Disappointment?
Tuesday, 11 March, 2025

Kurt Angle. Sting. Kevin Nash. Booker T. Scott Steiner. All Hall of Famers, Former World Champions and, most importantly, Main Eventers. The TNA Impact show after TNA's biggest event of the year, Bound For Glory, all these men united to create an ultimate force to shake TNA to it's core: The Main Event Mafia.Richie Mars is joined by Husky Rhodes to talk about the rise of the game-changing faction, the infamous TNA Frontline, Jeff Jarrett and Mick Foley getting center focus, Kurt Angle and Sting's rivalry, THAT minus 5 Stars Match, the super group with World Elite, whether the ending was anti-climatic and more!It's a fun packed episode so put on your suit, relax, kick back and relieve the Main Event Mafia's run in TNA Wrestling!Follow Richie Mars: @RetoldRichieMars on TikTok/X/YouTube/IGFollow Husky Rhodes:TikTok (@HuskyRhodes912)IG (@TheHuskyRhodes)Spotify (Dormir.) (@WorldChampionshipWreckage)


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