CarrotCastAuthor: Jason Grauer, Mark Cerritelli
Jason and Mark of discuss farming, home gardening, and agrotech through the lens of their experience working with some of the best minds in computer science, agriculture and fine dining. From growing produce for one of the world's premier restaurants, Blue Hill at Stone Barns, down to helping a young family grow food with their young children, we cover the full spectrum of food and agriculture in today's fast growing food movement and the important roll of computer science and programming in paving the way for its success. Language: en Contact email: Get it Feed URL: Get it iTunes ID: Get it |
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Ep. 10: You say tomato, I say tomato.
Friday, 10 June, 2016
But let's not call the whole thing off. Jason is working with tomatoes on the farm this week. Learn how to put tomatoes on a trellis, and the different kind of trellis. But first, he has to get over a deathly illness! Did the farm make him sick? Does he have anthrax? Should Mark wash his strawberries? Is eating dirt healthy? Where can you pay $110 for a plate of dirt? Do you have a strong opinion on this matter? Did we get something wrong? Send us questions and comments! Visit us at Lettuce help you search!