Money Mondays with artisKEITH - Podcast  

Money Mondays with artisKEITH - Podcast

Author: moneymondayswithartiskeith

Money Mondays w/ artisKEITH is a discussion about financial issues that impact many types of people in very personal ways. The effort to simplify how money works, make finance terms less intimidating, and introduce listeners/viewers to experienced financial professional are the main goals of this show. The live-streams are broadcasted via FB live on Monday evenings, and can be found by joining the FB group Monday Mondays w/ artisKeith.
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Language: en

Genres: Business, Education, Investing, Self-Improvement

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Hidden tricks that help your credit score - Money Mondays w/ Artis Keith
Episode 10
Tuesday, 6 April, 2021

Money Monday’s w/artisKEITH Hey! tonight we discuss some of the subtle details about how they calculate your credit score that can drag your score down. Press play and share this with your friends. #money #creditscore #invest #personalfinance


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