The Nuclear Reactor Next Door Series  

The Nuclear Reactor Next Door Series

The clean nuclear power argument from the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and the Department of Energy, is nonsense, says Stanford University Climate Expert Dr.

Author: Roger Rapoport

The clean nuclear power argument from the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and the Department of Energy, is nonsense, says Stanford University Climate Expert Dr. Mark Jacobsen. Why are the federal and state officials wasting over 8 billion in taxpayer funds for the first ever restart of a dangerous nuclear reactor in Michigan; sold for scrap by its previous owner?
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Why is Holtec International Resurrecting A Risky Michigan Nuclear Power Plant Without Meeting Federal Regulatory Requirements?
Episode 9
Thursday, 5 September, 2024

Thanks to billions in pork barrel dollars from the Department of Energy, the State of Michigan and U.S. Department of Agriculture, Holtec International, a company that has never built or operated a nuclear reactor is now rebuilding one without Nuclear Reactor Commission approval. Alan Blind, the former Design Engineering Manager at the Palisades Nuclear Reactor near South Haven, Michigan, explains how Holtec is evading the licensing requirements and many of the safety regulations required of every other nuclear power plant in the country. Even worse none of the NRC inspectors are on site as the construction work continues at a rapid pace. He explains why billions in federal and state grants, loans and subsidies would be far better spent on much less expensive alternatives such as wind, solar and hydro.  Residents living adjacent to the Palisades reactor have filed a petition with Blind’s assistance to block Holtec’s restart that is happening without NRC approval. For more information, please read this important article in The Progressive, August 7, 2024:


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