ScopeCast: a spotlight on credit risk from a European perspective  

ScopeCast: a spotlight on credit risk from a European perspective

Author: Scope Group

ScopeCast is a regular podcast by fund and credit analysts at Scope. We take a distinctively European, hard-edged analytical look at credit risk across a variety of sectors and subjects: from public finance, banking, structured and project finance to corporates , fund management and environmental, governance and social factors.
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Language: en

Genres: Business, Investing

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The Aviation ScopeCast: Flight 011
Episode 11
Friday, 9 October, 2020

In episode 11 of The Aviation ScopeCast, aviation experts Helene Spro and Frank Netscher focus on a topic that is on every investor’s mind: sustainability. They take a look at how relevant it is for aviation and which aspects are applicable. Furthermore, they address the question of whether aviation can become "green" at all or if “better” will have to do.


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