The Disappearance of the Lilac Tiger  

The Disappearance of the Lilac Tiger

Author: Graeme Keeton

Boy (Michel) meets girl (Fabienne). Boy steals culturally significant plastic tiger to impress girl. Boy has memory problems, forgets what he's done, volunteers for search party. Set in the city of Nice, this is a story about memory, love, loneliness, shady millionaires, an eccentric old lady with a farty dog... and the disappearance of the Lilac Tiger.
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Language: en

Genres: Comedy Fiction, Fiction

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The Disappearance of the Lilac Tiger — 'To the Boy Across the Hall'
Episode 5
Saturday, 28 September, 2019

Episode 5 — Michel goes on a trip. The festival opens in five hours time and the tiger is yet to be found. Fabienne wraps up the story of her fifth birthday. Madame Cloutier makes a drastic decision. About The Disappearance of the Lilac Tiger Set in the city of Nice, this story is a five-part fiction podcast written and directed by Graeme Keeton. The 38th Colored Lights Performing Arts Festival is coming to Nice. On the beach, a mascot made of plastic, a cultural icon known as the Lilac Tiger. Over the past year it's brought over €17m in donations... but now it meets Michel. Unable to remember anything for more than a couple of hours, Michel steals the tiger to impress Fabienne, a woman he's just met. Stashing the tiger and forgetting all about it, Michel then volunteers to join the search party. In a race against time, and the festival's prickly director, Madame Deschamps, as well as the shady Man with the Ebony Cane, Michel becomes the unwitting centerpiece in a story about memory, love, loneliness... and the disappearance of the Lilac Tiger. For more information on this show, or to download full scripts from each episode, visit This episode's music: Ploughboys in the Gloaming by Lily Bentley


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