Spilling the Tea with Jlee  

Spilling the Tea with Jlee

Author: Jessica Lee

On this podcast we will be covering a different topic each episode spanning from things such as relationships, mental wellness, & societal issues. I will have a special segment on each episode called tea time where I will have 2 entertainment topics that I have chosen to discuss with you guys & spill some tea that might brighten up your day.
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Language: en

Genres: Arts, Fashion & Beauty

Contact email: Get it

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Episode 4: Life update/Mental Health Awareness/Hot Girl Summer
Sunday, 16 May, 2021

Hello tea sippers !! We are officially back ! So glad to be back, it feels absolutely amazing ! This episode we are giving a mini life update and taking notice of Mental Health Awareness month.. and ohh, did I mention that Hot Girl Summer is among us !! Whewww, let's get into it !


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