Mandible Judy  

Mandible Judy

Author: DamianL, Inc.

Not your typical bi-weekly horror, scifi, telepathic frogs audio drama, Mandible Judy also features a synth-wielding geneticist and strangely sonorous rocks from space.We combine top-notch voice acting by veterans of the world of audio fiction with rich, evocative sound design and a dark, original score of brooding synthesizers and surreal soundscapes.To round out your mutated-children and marsh-dwelling-critter experience, Under Dead Water expands on the universe of Mandible Judy with new stories centered around a lake in New Hampshire. Our weekly twitch stream features discussion with the cast and crew as well as guest composers, voice actors and writers from the film, TV and podcasting worlds.
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Language: en-us

Genres: Drama, Fiction, Science Fiction

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Under Dead Water- S03E11
Episode 11
Tuesday, 4 June, 2024

The fight on the cliff continues as Frederik chooses a side and shifts the balance of power with a single, familiar phrase.Cast:Shay Faroun- Erin LillisAmanda Walston- Amanda GoodmanAmelia Kuthright- Bonnie BogovichCaptain Pedersen/Old Man- Graham RowatWalter Stedding- Clayton Romero"Crazy" Omar Williamson- Maurice ThomasValli Molina- Stephanie BookerJerry "The Ravager" Rivers- Matthew BurdConnor Darcy- Mike HallBelayl Taoen/Frederik/Mike Karas- Chris BurkeAssociate Producer- Brandon DukeMusic by glomagWillow's Theme vocals and vocal arrangement by Bonnie BogovichSound Design by Chris BurkePlease consider supportingĀ the show on Patreon.You can now also support us on supercast.comGet access to all our Motherlode Editions and other bonus content within the same podcast app you use to listen to the public episodes.Follow us onTwitter: @glomagInstagram: @mandiblejudyFacebook: you enjoy the podcast, please consider leaving a short review on Apple Podcasts/iTunes or It only takes a few minutes and will help us grow our audience.Support the show


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