A Disused YetiPedantic Rants and Fannish Raves on Doctor Who Author: Risa Romano
We are a Doctor Who podcast. New content bi-monthly. May be a proper episode, may be outtakes, may be other nonsense we come up with. But mainly we take topics or theories about the show and overanalyze, nitpick, and make general nuances of ourselves. You can be more interactive, over at our blog: https://adisusedyeti.wordpress.com and subscribe to our audio podcast on iTunes. Language: en-us Genres: TV & Film Contact email: Get it Feed URL: Get it iTunes ID: Get it |
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A Disused Yeti #38: The End of a Disused Yeti
Tuesday, 31 July, 2018
Surprise! It's our last episode! But we have a lot to talk about with new teasers bringing us our first glimpses of the upcoming season. Join the conversation at adisusedyeti.wordpress.com. Recorded at Galaxy of Comics.