Infrastructure as Conversation - the people side of tech!Author: Harrison Edney
I have been toying around with this idea for a while now and finally decide that a podcast would be the best way to show case something I get to see every single day; the people side of tech. There is so much going on in tech that isnt really connected to the tech itself but can massively impact how technology, as a whole, grows. I want to take a look into peoples careers in tech, what got them excited/started in it, why the kept with it, and what hopes do they have for tech and our future. I also want to hear about trials, tribulations, stigmas, and other things that might not get spo Language: en Contact email: Get it Feed URL: Get it iTunes ID: Get it |
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IaC E1S1 - Drew Csillag - Staff Engineer @DataDog
Episode 1
Thursday, 30 September, 2021
Welcome to the first episode of Infrastructure as Conversation. This series aims to shed light into the people side of tech. The tech world is not only made up of the technology but also the people and stories that were involved in building it. On this episode, we are joined by Drew Csillag. He has worked at many top engineering companies such as Google, Spotify, Amazon, Dropbox, and currently Datadog!