CinaBun Podcast  

CinaBun Podcast

The CinaBun Podcast is a long-form conversation

Author: CinaBun Network

The CinaBun Podcast is a long-form conversation with stoned hosts, and movie lovers, Hank and Jerry. Providing the stoner talk, movie reviews, and high movie-viewer banter you never knew you've always wanted. Whazzaaaaap! Follow us on Twitter: @CinaBunPodcast
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Language: en

Genres: TV & Film

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Episode 6: HACKSAW RIDGE + ALLIED + WTF Jeff Sneider?!
Thursday, 1 December, 2016

In the 6th episode of the Cinabun Podcast, Hank & Jerry review HACKSAW RIDGE and ALLIED; renew their longstanding beef with Jeff Sneider (@TheInsneider); touch on their Oscar predictions, and tell their tale of adversity, in which they make it to a movie and get ripped in under 20 minutes, a new world record.


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