Parenting and Politics  

Parenting and Politics

Author: Diana Limongi

Parenting and Politics is a podcast for parents who want to make a difference (and change the world!) where we look at parenting through a political lens. It was created and is hosted by Diana Limongi. It was created with the following goals: To help parents use their voice to harness their political power To shed light on the political process, and how it affects families To highlight the work (and wins!) that is being done in different areas To give parents ideas on how they can make a difference To remain hopeful in these uncertain times.
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Language: en

Genres: Kids & Family, Society & Culture

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Ep. 63: How Parents Are Fighting Anti-LGBTQ Policies in Florida with Nadine Smith
Episode 63
Thursday, 4 April, 2024

In this episode Diana talks to Nadine Smith, Executive Director of Equality Florida, about everyone should be paying attention to what is happening in Florida, how the tide is turning and she remains hopeful abotu the future. Nadie discusses how Equality Florida is fighting anti-LGBTQ policies in Florida (and how they're winning).  In this candid conversation, Nadine also shares the incredible organizing that is happening on the ground, in what she calls "Frontline Florida," and how parents from all over the country can support actions and efforts on the ground. Listen to find out what organizing tactics have worked in Florida, why they issued a travel advisory to Florida, how Equality Florida is combatting book bans and fighting to #bringbooksback, and how parents are raise their voices against anti-LGBTQ policies in Florida. Nadine also has some GREAT ideas about how you can support Florida (even far afar!) Make sure to follow Equality Florida on Instagram @equalityfl If you like this episode, check out Diana's great conversations with:  The Youth Vote and Disinformation in the Latinx Community with Maria Teresa Kumar, Executive Director of Voto Latino  Why Centering our Youth's Wellbeing is a Win for Our Society with Rev. Dr. Starsky Wilson, Executive Director of the Children's Defense Fund  Why Mom Power is More Important than Ever with Kristin Rowe-Finkbeinwer, Executive Director of MomsRising Don't forget to check out our SHOP that is now LIVE!  Until next time, don't forget hope is our superpower.     


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