Author: STLHD Gear

STLHD NATION is a podcast exploring all of the interesting people we come across in the outdoors. Give us a follow and you may just find yourself on the STLHD NATION podcast someday!
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Language: en

Genres: Sports, Wilderness

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BOAT ETIQUETTE!!! STLHD Nation Podcast!!!
Friday, 4 August, 2023

STLHD Nation is back! We're talking about how we as a community can do better on the water communicating to other anglers. We love fishing and we love hearing people who are excited about getting into fishing even more! Those novice individuals can sometimes get some heat on the water when they don't know boat etiquette or the unspoken rules of the water they're on. so how can we as a community help those beginners in a more positive way versus just yelling out MORON! Stay tuned for this week's episode of the STLHD Nation Podcast! Website Retail Store 18660 SW Boones Ferry Rd, Tualatin, OR 97062 Youtube Facebook Instagram TikTok STLHD Coffee Shoot us a text! 1-833-490-0472


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