Embrace the SpoilersA show for spoilers Author: Garrett Weinzierl
Join Jocelyn Moffett and Garrett Weinzierl as they spoil movies, television, and video games. They've covered Game of Thrones, Warcraft, Star Wars, and of Game of Thrones. Language: en-us Genres: TV & Film Contact email: Get it Feed URL: Get it iTunes ID: Get it |
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Embrace the Spoilers: Stranger Things 3 - Episodes 7-8
Monday, 22 July, 2019
This episode of Embrace the Spoilers spoils final two episodes of Stranger Things 3.This show is supported by the Patrons over at Patreon.com/r2t2! Whenever Joce stops by they split the Patreon pot.Embrace the Spoilers is Amove.tv's spoiler-filled show. This time with Jocelyn Moffett joining Garrett Weinzierl to talk Stranger Things 3. Download Embrace the Spoilers MP3 DirectlyRSS: http://feeds.feedburner.com/embracethespoilersR2-T2 RSS: http://feeds.feedburner.com/theangrynerd