Gen X Bros.  

Gen X Bros.

Author: Gen X Brothers

From the greatest Generation of all time. Join Gen X Bros. Erik and Glenn. Two half brothers that make up one hell of a show. Reliving the 80s and 90 with a messed up point of view towards todays Pop Culture. They have a whole lot of crap on their minds and theyre here to dump it into your ear drums. So sit back, relax with us and kill a few brain cells. Dont take anything seriously and most importantly - Enjoy the Show!
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Language: en

Genres: Music, Music Commentary, News, News Commentary

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London Suede: The Blue Hour vs. Christian Death: Catastrophe Ballet
Episode 43
Tuesday, 17 January, 2023

Erik relives some good old times back in the 80's when Cow Tipping was actually considered fun.The Gen X Brothers both recount some times when mischief was easy to get away with.Today Erik and Glenn go head to head with their One Shot Record Showdown! Find out which album is better. The London Suede with The Blue Hour or Christian Death with Catastrophe Ballet.See which one ends up with the best rating. You can now join in the fun each week by watching the live stream on YouTube. Every Friday at 5PM PST.Mentioned in this episode:Edge of Life Edge of Life


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