Rock King Radio Show  

Rock King Radio Show

Author: Rock King Bobby D

Prepare to dive into the heart of rock with the 'Rock King Radio Show with Bobby D.' We're your ultimate destination for the finest in rock music, artist stories that unveil the soul of the music, and a journey through the annals of rock history. Our flagship segment, the 'Titanium Top 10,' features the chart-toppers and hidden gems that fuel the fire of rock enthusiasts. Join us for a high-voltage odyssey through the ultimate rock experience. As we crank up the volume, we invite you to turn your speakers to 11 and immerse yourself in a world of pure rock bliss.
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Language: en

Genres: Music, Music History

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Find out what big decision Stone Temple Pilots made, and why Sebastian Bach lost his job
Tuesday, 4 April, 2023

Take a journey through timeā€”full of factoids, historical moments, and the sounds that shaped musical history for today's date. House of Rock - Take a two-hour journey into Rock N' Roll heaven with Bobby D, the King of Rock Radio, every week! Check out all your favorite metal bands, like Warlock, Scorpions, Metallica, Bon Jovi, Poison, and Ozzy Osbourne. It's on if it's historic and rocks! Do you wish to hear anything in particular? We shall do everything we can to play your request on HOR...How awesome is that? The House of Rock has it all! #news #rock #rocknroll #rockhistory #StoneTemplePilots #sebastianbach


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