Quirky Voices Presents  

Quirky Voices Presents

Author: Sarah Golding

Hello thereThis the podcast feed for an eclectic and wonderous creative mix of podcasts under the Quirky Voices Presents banner. Welcome!I have an interview show / MADIVA podcast (Modern Audio Drama Indie Voice Acting) and this is focused on exploring the craft of voice acting through interviews with working Vas, producers, Showrunners and directors. Anyone FCoffee is a womens health podcast hybrid audio drama / interview show.I wrote it and it stars women who actually suffer from the conditions explored, and are interviewed about it, as well as a medical professional or charity pro interview giving signposting for advice.  Other shows in the feed include TEDDY STORYJoin Lucas and Maisie in wonderful adventures with their Teddies. Journey through portals and magnificent twisting turning and loop the loop slides to far flung places with chocolate houses and dragons and clumsy unicorns and forgetful marshmallow cloud men and Mermaids who are afraid of the water....such fun! Stories narrated by Sarah Golding and with the occasional guest times ahead! Wait for meeee Tedddyyyy!ABOUT SARAH GOLDING: Sarah is a voice actor in over 100 indie audio drama podcasts - here's a few worth a listen! Edict Zero FIS, (Marian Ep405) Amelia Project (Lily S1 Ep 11, Northcott S3) Ancestry (Alia) Wynabego Warrior (Lizzie. Most eps!) We Fix Space Junk (Lingen S2 EP7) A Scottish Podcast (Drunk Helen) Hostile Worlds (Sarah) Alt Fiction Hare Spell (Old Sally) You are Here (Cora) Orphans (Minister Orsham) 1994 POD (Starla) Tunnels Podcast (Karen) Attention Hellmart Shoppers (Melinda Ashe) Redwing (Detective) Minefire (Marian), Carlotta Beautox (Rita), LIMBO (Nonna), Oz9 (Mrs Sheffield)Sarah has been a teacher, community theatre director and writes as much as possible. She was pod host for The Audio Drama Production Podcast for 18 months of joyyyyyAnd runs monthly Audio Drama Hub Virtual Pubs anddd helps co-edit the Fiction Podcast News Weekly and Co-hosts ADWIT
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Language: en-gb

Genres: Comedy Fiction, Education, Fiction

Contact email: Get it

Feed URL: Get it

iTunes ID: Get it


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Sunday, 8 October, 2023

Send us a textHello AUDIO DRAMA LOVERSHere is the second ASTOUNDINGLY BRILLIANT panel from last year’s super inspiring AUDIO DRAMA HUB PODFEST!With a short pitchathon session to start we then join THE EFFERVESENT Naomi Clarke in the chair with panel guests Alasdair Stuart, Marguerite Kenner, Chloe Hendry and Pip Thorne with a silent Michael Ireland on the  powerpoint slides….ENJOYA reminder to have a look on for all competition entries info (deadlines are coming up!)  and chances to sponsor this event with YOUR LOGO FRONT AND CENTRE ON OUR BANNERS (or slightly to the left and right tbh), and also where to pitch your live show advert and send us your trailer which we will play during the day…AUDIO DRAMA HUB PITCHATHON PITCHERS:*NEIGHBOURLY    Kit Robson*ROGUEMAKER   Bonnie Calderwood-Aspinwall* ANKORR 643    Perry Then a panel chaired by the exuberantly effervescent Naomi Clarke, writer of The Secret of St Kilda…..With Pip Thorne (LEGEND) of Amelia Project with amazing tips on running PATREON and more! (Spoilers - at beginning do high effort - later minisodes you can fund once established)LISTEN PEOPLE - THERE’S AWESOME TIPS IN HEREChloe Hendry (PUBLICITY LEGEND FOR SECRET ST KILDA….Fundraiser and creative on ETHICS TOWN) talks top tips TUMBLR AND SOCIALS AND MOREALASDAIR STUART (ESCAPE ARTISTS & ACTOR WRITER OF AWESOME THINGS) Talks self care and creative freedomsMARGUERITE KENNER - (ESCAPE ARTISTS & LEGAL ADVISER AND MORE) talks collaborating effectively and more!In this panel, the team explore patreon top tips, why TUMBLR is the place to be, and why you need a team (possibly of 22 year olds!), and they delve into the crowdfunded potentials and limitations, and marketing marketing marketing. SeriouslySTOP WHAT YOU'RE DOING / MAKING/ EDITING and listen - unmissable brilliant tips learnt by experience in here...THANK YOUThe AUDIO DRAMA HUB PODFEST TEAMADH PODFEST WEBSITESPONSOR US DO WITH HEARTY THANKSSPONSOR US - GET YOUR LOGO ON OUR BANNER FOR £15 SPONSOR OUR LIVE STREAMSPONSOR OUR PANELS AND WORKSHOPS!PITCH US!We want your live show AND new show pitches - deadline 10 octWe want your live advert pitchesWe want your trailersPlease?!See you there on 4 th November, Oak Room, Wycombe Swan theatre, uk. 11am - 915 pmKeynote speaker the amazing MARIELE-RUNACRE-TEMPLEHuzzhas!Tickets avaiable on the Wycombe Swan website this weekSupport the showPing Sarah on @QUIRKYVOICES or send a message to quirkyvoices@gmail.comFeel free to review and of the shows herein, and if you want to support Quirky Voices works, become a Patreon! You get early works and earlybird eps and discounts for any courses.....HAPPY CREATING!


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