Acting Inspired  

Acting Inspired

How to be a successful actor...Is a good question. Im trying to work it out too! l chat with folk of all different levels of "success" about how the hell they s

Author: Acting Inspired

Dedicated to keeping you inspired. Chatting with folks creating their own work and thoughts on my acting journey in the form of an honest diary.
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Language: en

Genres: Arts, Performing Arts

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Dan Caleb - Music
Episode 150
Wednesday, 3 October, 2018

Great chat with Dan Caleb. Covering themes including - Mental Health, Truth, Self Healing, meditation. We also have one of Dan's pre-recorded tunes (On The Hillside) and he even plays us his latest song (A Meditation on the Death of a Friend) live in my living room! Check out "On The Hillside" on Spotify and follow on twitter, facebook and Instagram: @dancalebmusic  ENJOY!!!  


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