bill122460Hi there, my name is Bill Greathouse. Well here we are trying to wake others up to what the New World Order is and what is happening with the corrupt government Author: bill122460
Hi there, my name is Bill Greathouse. Well here we are trying to wake others up to what the New World Order is and what is happening with the corrupt government system of tyranny we're living under. While also exposing why we're at war, what can we do to stop it and for what is going on in today's world of the Dating Scene. I want to do my very best to try and wake up everyone around the world to what ( True Forced Loneliness/TFL ) is and what is truly happening to tons of men out here in today's world of the Dating Scene as well. It can happen with women too, but this type of situation mostly affects the majority of men, than it affects women. In most cases, women are the one's that are doing this unto 1000's of men every year. There's guys out here Globally that will live a TFL life and lots of men every year actually kill themselves or commit suicide over the fact that they'll go their entire life without getting a lifetime partner or mate into their lives of the Dating Scene. The suicide rate for men is far more worse, than it is for women. Yes, there is women out there who will kill themselves. Yes, there are women out there who do live a TFL lifestyle, but there are 3x times more men living a TFL lifestyle than women and also more men kill themselves every year than women. Most of this comes from the fact that, no one cares anymore in today's world about anyone but their own selfish selves. Also, almost everyone Lies, Cheats, uses looks against another person as a weapon to stereotype another person out of the Dating Scene their whole life, or they'll use a persons size, social status, financial/money status against someone else in the Dating Scene before ever dating some one. In most cases all men who live this TFL lifestyle will have the same types of stories and experiences of constant rejection in the Dating Scene and it happens to all of these guys in the same way. Women will turn a guy down and she will not want to talk to them, or will even get to know Language: en Genres: Health & Fitness Contact email: Get it Feed URL: Get it iTunes ID: Get it |
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Episode 49
Tuesday, 9 January, 2018
test run