VolleyGems by KoKo Volley  

VolleyGems by KoKo Volley

Author: Coach KoKo

Have you ever wanted to play volleyball but didn't really know where to begin? Well, here ya go! The popular volleyball YouTube channel is now coming to you to talk about a plethora of Volleyball tips and tricks. Everything from healthy eating, volleyball tips, mental health and so much more!
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Language: en

Genres: Sports, Volleyball

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How To Deal With Teammates
Episode 4
Monday, 3 May, 2021

Navigating through a team is an experience in itself. I have seen and been through it all, awkward friendships, feeling like I'm being talked about, not feeling supported, and so much more. If I could go back, I would change some things that could have made things a bit easier for me. In this episode, we talk about ways to navigate different situations with teammates and advocate for ourselves! Make sure to like and share this with someone who you think needs it!


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