99 Songs Ricca Loves from the 90sAuthor: Jonathan Stoddart
Each short episode will celebrate a 90s song that I love. If you remember the 90s you'll enjoy the trip down memory lane. If you don't remember the 90s, you'll discover some great music, or gain perspective on some songs you already know. Facts! Thoughts! Jokes! Love! Alt rock, hip hop, pop, classic rock, R&B, Eurodance, ballads, folk, rap rock, country dance, Britpop, trip hop, punk rock, novelties & oddities. We got em all! Language: en-ca Genres: Music, Music History Contact email: Get it Feed URL: Get it iTunes ID: Get it |
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E78 The Alternative Polka by Weird Al Yankovic
Episode 78
Friday, 20 December, 2024
🤪🤓The man was weird before weird was cool…  E78 is Weird Al Yankovic’s The Alternative Polka Hear these 90s classics how they were never meant to be heard: polkafied!  Plus: My favourite Tracy Chapman song and the return of Alice in Chains  🎉Stay in Touch with Ricca Razor Sharp The 99 Songs Themselves on Spotify https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5bt1g2HXxTBZ6NO80l5H8U?si=ba80e3ef54014b01  Stream my music Spotify https://open.spotify.com/artist/3cepcnEtdetdHZDtn5vlm9?si=0oCqHKq8RPiSP_IdysKzew Apple Music https://music.apple.com/ca/artist/ricca-razor-sharp/250510723  Follow me Instagram https://www.instagram.com/riccarazorsharp Facebook facebook.com/MCriccarazorsharp YouTube youtube.com/thesharpone  Podcast 99 Songs Ricca Loves from the 90s Podcast on Spotify https://open.spotify.com/show/3iYqeaHKRSuwFSiVRHEfvV?si=b9f8c3f7394a4828 Podcast on Apple https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/99-songs-ricca-loves-from-the-90s/id1702415018 The 99 Songs Themselves on Spotify https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5bt1g2HXxTBZ6NO80l5H8U?si=ba80e3ef54014b01  Â