The Brass Junkies  

The Brass Junkies

Author: Pedal Note Media

The Brass Junkies, hosted by former Boston Brass tuba player Andrew Hitz and a rotating cast of characters, features interviews with the best and brightest brass players in the world. Subject matter includes everything from the serious to the ridiculous, just like the music business.
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Genres: Arts, Music, Music Interviews, Performing Arts

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TBJ221: TBJ Gives Thanks
Thursday, 4 January, 2024

Andrew is joined by seven brass players who share thoughts about a musician they were thankful for in 2023. Become a Patron ► Show Notes ► Guests Giving Thanks: Sasha Romero (Principal Trombone of the Metropolitan Opera) is thankful for Claudio Sanchez (8:10) Rodney Marsalis (Lead Trumpet + Founder of The Rodney Marsalis Philadelphia Big Brass) is thankful for Terry Everson (19:04) Dr. Danielle VanTuinen (Professor of Tuba + Euphonium at The University of Florida) is thankful for Deanna Swoboda (27:51) Jeffrey Scott (Professor of Horn at Oberlin Conservatory and Former Horn Player and Founder of Imani Winds) is thankful for Carolyn Clark (36:34) Dr. Steph Frye-Clark (Professor of Tuba and Euphonium at East Tennessee State and Tuba Player of Mirari Brass Quintet) is thankful for Sarah Paradis (46:08) Ryan Little (Principal Horn of the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra) is thankful for Gail Williams (52:05) Hakeem Bilal (Professor of Trombone at West Virginia University and Bass Trombonist for C Street Brass) is thankful for Omar Lateef (58:13) Facebook ► Instagram ► The Brass Junkies is hosted and produced by Andrew Hitz for Pedal Note Media


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