LOVE SOMEONE with DelilahChanging the world, One Heart At A Time. Author: iHeartPodcasts
In a world that can feel divisive and bleak, it's easy to get caught up in feelings of hopelessness, but the beautiful, glorious, truth is this: LOVE NEVER FAILS. In the 40 years Ive been on the airwaves, Ive implored my listeners to LOVE SOMEONE; Family, friends, neighbors, community, the Lord, and themselves. Im talking to guests with names you may know, and those you may not. They all have stories meant to inspire you! New episodes drop the 2nd & 4th Tuesday of each month! Language: en-us Genres: Arts, Education, Performing Arts, Self-Improvement Contact email: Get it Feed URL: Get it iTunes ID: Get it |
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CRAIG T. NELSON: "Green and Gold"
Episode 2
Tuesday, 28 January, 2025
Oh my! What a treat it was to talk with Craig T. Nelson today, who is starring in a new movie, "Green and Gold", in theaters January 31st. In it, he portrays Buck, a fourth-generation Wisconsin dairy farmer who, along with his granddaughter, fight to preserve their way of life, as small family farms disappear across America. Facing foreclosure, they wager everything on their beloved Green Bay Packers in a hail-Mary effort to save their little chunk of dirt. Craig T. is warm and gracious, earnest in his support of America's farmers, and hopeful for their future. Don't miss this conversation and don't even think about missing "Green and Gold"! ~ Delilah See for privacy information.