Beast Friends Forever  

Beast Friends Forever

Author: Scobell & Whitington

Beast Friends Forever is an episode-by-episode discussion of the 90s cartoon Beast Wars. At least that's the plan, this is kind of a pilot to see if the target audience for this is larger than the two people who recorded it.
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Language: en-us

Genres: TV & Film

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6 - Power Surge (Looks Like He Could Eat Tyronium)
Episode 6
Tuesday, 14 September, 2021

Terrorsaur discovers a source of power guaranteed to make him cool and  relevent for years to come! I can't wait to see what this guy gets up to  in the next two seasons! Also: Scobell gracefully initiates Whitington  into sexy grey streak club, the glorious nation of Chrisscobellistan is  founded and we give you all the info you need about Tyrone: The World's Strongest And Smartest Meteorologist. Content warning: (It's a long one  this time round!) Mentions of suicide, death, paedophilia and dog  murder. Plus all the swear words!


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