Reflections and Stories Along the Way  

Reflections and Stories Along the Way

Author: Dick Sederquist

This is Dick Sederquist. Welcome to my Podcast, Reflections and Stories Along the Way, a continuing feature on my web site and iTunes. People tell me I have a low and resonant radio voice and love to hear my short stories and essays read aloud. My goal is to create a hundred Podcasts and eventually an audio book. You will also find a short video interview on my writing, memoirs and prison ministry on my web site at
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Language: en-gb

Genres: Arts, Books, Health & Fitness

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Slowing Down
Thursday, 10 December, 2015

This is Dick Sederquist with my thirteenth audio PODCAST. It’s called “Slowing Down”. You can hear this in my resonant bass voice on my audio PODCAST on your computer and at iTunes at “Reflections and Stories Along the Way”. You can also read it on my BLOG. I’m told I have a radio voice, so pretend you are listening to the radio. Being close to your grandkids has many benefits. It’s like watching and re-experiencing your own kids, their parents, growing up again. These little guys are also watching you like a hawk. You can’t get away with anything. In the first grade, my granddaughter had a session in school on etiquette. I should have known that, from then on, I was in big trouble.


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