Muskoka Bros Podcast  

Muskoka Bros Podcast

Author: Dylan Sarrasin

A podcast focused on the outdoors, bushcrafting, and camping. We will also be following along with and giving reaction to the biggest names in outdoors youtube channels
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Language: en

Genres: Sports, Wilderness

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Muskoka Bros Podcast Episode 9: The Wimpy Camper
Episode 9
Saturday, 13 June, 2020

Welcome everybody to another episode of the Muskoka Bros Podcast. This week we had the honour of being joined by Michelle from The Wimpy Camper! She sat down with Muskoka Bro Dylan over Zoom for a 45 minute or so chat about everything from Knives to the role of women in Bushcraft. Unfortunately it was cut short due to technical difficulties but there is more than. enough meat here to chew on. Make sure you check out her instagram page for some awesome content! and remember, you just gotta get out there. The Wimpy Camper: This Week In Wildness (TWIW) Parks Reopening - Falconry & Me - Muskoka Bros Merch! -


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