Making History  

Making History

HIS3MHI - Making History

Author: Dr Ingrid Sykes

Making History aims to give students an understanding of the role and importance of historiography (the particular spin or interpretation in history) and an awareness of significant historiographical changes in the discipline of history as a whole.
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Language: en

Genres: Courses, Education, History

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The Human Body and the Telling of History
Sunday, 1 September, 2013

Histories of the body have been powerfully shaped by the work of the French philosopher Michel Foucault who examined the ways in which the body was shaped by the medico-political space. Histories of the body intersect with the history of medicine and the history of science and might also interact with sensory history, the history of visual culture and the history of emotion. Copyright 2013 Ingrid Sykes / La Trobe University, all rights reserved. Contact for permissions.


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