The Compounding Effect  

The Compounding Effect

Get key insights and market commentary from the executives of Cullen Cioffi Capital Management. John spent the early part of his career as a Wall Street trader for many of the world's largest investment banks before eventually becoming Managing Director. He later moved to Merrill, Lynch and ran a hedge fund, called the Velocity Fund. Nicolette, started her career at Wells Fargo in their wealth management division before moving to Merrill Lynch, UBS and then Cullen Cioffi. Ryan started his career at Morgan Stanley before breaking away to form Cullen Investment Group, the firm's predecessor.
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Commentary on CPI Numbers & Jerome Powell comments
Episode 2
Wednesday, 18 May, 2022

Hear commentary on the recently released Consumer Price Index (CPI) numbers and hear what Jerome Powell's comments on the Fed means for investors.


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