The First Cousins Podcast  

The First Cousins Podcast

Author: firstcousinspodcast

Cousins Andrew Holm and Madeline Goodwill host a comedy podcast talking about what it was like to grow up in the Midwest with a Midwest sized family amongst other comedic topics. Family and friends will join these two to talk about all of their embarrassing, heart warming, and hilarious moments of growing up.
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Language: en

Genres: Comedy, Comedy Interviews

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Episode 23. - Pearl, I had blood in my mouth.
Episode 24
Thursday, 12 March, 2020

The Cousins are back with a fresh episode this week and they welcome a new guest and very dear friend, Stacy Krueger! The group discusses Stacy's magnetic aura that tends to draw all sorts of unique personalities. We find out Stacy's voice modulation parenting trick. Stacy tells the group a beautiful story about car troubles in Illinois and how she saved the day with only a butter knife in hand. Madeline has a laughing spell while trying to quote her son. Andrew and Harley tell the tail of two tails. This episode is full of hearty laughter and Stacy was a wonderful guest! Tune in to future episodes when Stacy returns with her daughter who is equally as lovely as she is. If you like this episode or any of our past episodes please let us know by rating our podcast, writing a review, subscribing, or if you really want to be our hero do all three!!! Please enjoy this episode of First Cousins. Email us your hilarious first cousin and family stories!! : Follow The First Cousins Podcast :       


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