Say It Social Radio  

Say It Social Radio

Ty Downing from SayItSocial reviews new social media technologies, strategies and their applications for business. Each episode is filled with frank commentary from Ty and co-hosts, interviews, and guest comments from the opinion and thought leaders...

Author: Archive

Ty Downing from SayItSocial reviews new social media technologies, strategies and their applications for business. Each episode is filled with frank commentary from Ty and co-hosts, interviews, and guest comments from the opinion and thought leaders in social media.Previous & Future Guests Include:Chris Brogan (New Marketing Labs)Tamar Weinberg (Mashables Community Director)Gary Vaynerchuk,Ben Parr (Mashable)Steve Patrizi (LinkedIn)Jacob Morgan (JMorgan Marketing)Jason Keath (Social Fresh Organizer)Colin Tulloch (TweetReel Creator)
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Language: en

Genres: Science, Social Sciences

Contact email: Get it

Feed URL: Get it

iTunes ID: Get it

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Wednesday, 1 January, 1000


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