CinemaPsych Podcast  

CinemaPsych Podcast

Author: cinemapsychpod

Where psychology meets films. We dissect and analyze popular films and their psychological content.
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Language: en

Genres: Science, Social Sciences, TV & Film

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Episode 093: What Could Go Wrong on a Long Spaceflight—Slingshot (2024)
Episode 93
Tuesday, 25 February, 2025

Join Alex as he takes a solo look at a recent science fiction film featuring Casey Affleck and Laurence Fishburne, Slingshot (2024). The title refers to the maneuver three men — or is it only one? — must complete around Jupiter, using its gravity well to gain speed on the way to Saturn's moon, Titan. We also flashback to the time before, when Affleck's John is training to make this years-long flight, while makes an ill-fated connection with Zoe. We see John slowly lose his connection with reality on this spaceflight — is there precedent in real spaceflight for the psychological effects? Have a listen to find out! Please leave your feedback on this post, the main site (, on Facebook (@CinPsyPod), or Threads/Instagram (@cinemapsych_podcast). We'd love to hear from you! Don't forget to check out our Paypal link to contribute to this podcast and keep the lights on! Don't forget to check out our MERCH STORE for some great merch with our logo and other designs! Legal stuff: 1. All film clips are used under Section 107 of Title 17 U.S.C. (fair use; no copyright infringement is intended). 2. Intro and outro music by ("Gemini"). Used under license. 3. Film reel sound effect by bone666138. Used under license CC-BY 3.0.


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