Feminist Utopia  

Feminist Utopia

Author: Feminist Utopia

Feminism addresses much more than just rights for women, it promotes dignity, respect and unity for all living beings, regardless of gender, race, class, culture, sexual orientation, religion or any of the many other classifications our society often uses
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Language: en

Genres: News, Politics, Science, Social Sciences

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Feminist Utopia E 93: The Moral High Ground
Monday, 8 August, 2022

It is a known fact that anti choice, anti-gun control, and anti-democracy people shout from the rooftops that God and goodness are on their side. This episode we discuss that and how we need to feel comfortable explaining our own view of what the moral high ground is because they don't care about the facts. And they need to know that others see their beliefs as gross. Sources:


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