Lifelong Learning  

Lifelong Learning

Author: ReachMD

Lifelong Learning is a series dedicated to the history, current state, and future of medical education, where thought leaders discuss pressing issues and novel solutions related to methodology, effectiveness, funding, measurement, emerging technologies, and other aspects that make the field so vibrant. Tune in to empower your lifelong learning journey and apply new educational strategies into practice.
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Language: en

Genres: Health & Fitness, Medicine, Science

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What the New CMS MACRA Definition Means for QI-CME
Tuesday, 17 April, 2018

Host: Alicia A. Sutton Guest: Andrew Rosenberg, JD, MP Guest: Thomas Sullivan Join in as Andrew Rosenberg, JD, MP, Senior Advisor of CME Coalition and Thomas Sullivan, President, and Founder of Rockpointe, discuss how CE providers will be able to offer a PI-QI improvement activity under the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act (MACRA). They will also address the MACRA law’s physician incentives for quality care under Medicare, a breakdown of the Quality Payment Program and CE Opportunities, the newly adopted QI CME Improvement Activity, and more!


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