

Author: Susan Swaney and Ian Campbell

ParaBoss Wormcasts are hosted by Susan Swaney and Ian Campbell and cover worms, fluke, flies, lice and ticks in sheep, goats and cattle on Australian farms. They will help you to manage your parasites to achieve better production, improve your animal welfare and help your bottom line. They include interviews with experts and farmers.
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Language: en-au

Genres: Education, How To, Natural Sciences, Science

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Episode 8 What’s important about a parasite’s life cycles
Episode 8
Monday, 16 December, 2019

There are many ways to tackle parasites and a good understanding of their life cycles is critical knowledge. In this episode we look at the life cycles and the conditions for development of flies, lice and worms and we see how this can help us exploit the chinks in their armour.  Support the show


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