Creek Cat Talks  

Creek Cat Talks

Author: Joaquim Gonsalves

Welcome to my podcasts where I discuss my journey as an actor and a creative from a family of people who have always made time for hobbies and passions. If you find value in my content please do consider subscribing here and on my socials. Thank you So Much for listening! -Joaquim Gonsalves
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Language: en

Genres: Arts, Performing Arts

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Creek Cat Talks - Thinking aloud helps. - A Ramble
Sunday, 20 June, 2021

This first episode is actually me thinking out loud. It will serve as an example in helping one figure out what they should make their podcast about by recording their thoughts and going through the work of editing a professional sounding podcast. Editor's Note: I was referring to 'Anchor' and not 'Anghami'


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