Tackling TB  

Tackling TB

Author: ReachMD

Although we may not see tuberculosis cases too often, that doesnt mean this disease isnt out there. In fact, up to 13 million people are carrying the latent infection, which can asymptomatically exist in a patient for years and can be fatal if it isnt caught early enough. Thats why knowing which of our patients are at risk and using effective screening measures are now more critical than ever. In the hopes of eradicating this disease once and for all, Tackling TB brings together experts in the areas of public health and infectious disease to discuss current guideline recommendations, testing methodologies, and the importance of primary care physicians in conducting risk-based screening protocols.
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Genres: Health & Fitness, Medicine, Science

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Exploring the 3 Keys to Ending the TB Epidemic Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic
Thursday, 18 March, 2021

Host: Paul Doghramji, MD Guest: Sarojini Qasba, MD With the World Health Organization’s goal to eliminate tuberculosis by 2030 quickly approaching, what can we be doing now to help us meet that goal? Joining Dr. Paul Doghramji to discuss three key factors and how the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted this global goal is Dr. Sonia Qasba, an infectious disease specialist at the Suburban Hospital in Bethesda, Maryland.


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